Sheep Gotta Eat
by Eli Roberts It's hot out there! It feels like we haven't gotten substantial rain in at least six weeks, maybe more. Most of the grass...
Chicken Kill
Lots of life on a plentiful farm… but also, there’s got a be some death sometimes! Sometimes owls go hunting, hawks swoop down, little...
Baby Chick Livestream!
Here’s an experimental livestream of our baby chickens in their grow room home. Enjoy!
Cow Conservatism
There’s been enthusiastic talk of sheep, goats, and cows here at AOOA. But there’s a long checklist of things that need to be in place...
Dog, Meet Ducks
Glendawg comes with me at least once a day to check up, feed, water and clean up the baby Moulard ducks since we got them at 2 days old....
First Medical Intervention on a Chicken
Very minor, yet I did our first medical intervention on one of our Sussex roosters. We got fifteen 40-week old Sussex chickens last week....