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May 2020 Farm Flyover

It was too windy to get solid video of the farm from high above, but some pictures turned out well:

After several false alarms, it might legitimately be spring for real this time:)

I learned that animals react to drones way differently. Ducks don’t give a cluck:

Chickens would rather not have this flying robot anywhere nearby, prioritizing shelter over a jarful of grubs:

We think the difference is because ducks aren’t used to predators coming from above. You can’t see them, but the bees in the hives didn’t seem to care about a bigger louder buzzing flying thing in their midst.

And Glenn dawg? He was disappointed I didn’t have a reaction then made up his own mind:

I’ll have to try interacting with deer, groundhogs, and geese next flight!


All One One All (AOOA) Farm
D'Artagnan Farms Foundation

221 Craigville Road, Goshen, NY 10924


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